

For-Plas develops all its activities committed to sustainability in order to increase the quality of social and environmental life.

For objectives to be attained, For-Plas complies with environmental legislations and norms and develops awareness training for all its collaborators stimulating environmental practices.

For-Plas develops activities of separation, destination, reuse of industrial residues, and effluent treatment, so as to minimize the use of natural resources and decreasing possible environmental impacts.


For-Plas provides a safe and healthy work environment, and has the objective of preserving the physical integrity and health of all its collaborators.

The responsibility for safety starts with the board and its leadership and ends with each individual.

For-Plas complies with Safety and Health legislations and norms in effect, develops internal activities such as training and awareness raising, and also occupational accident and illnesses prevention programs involving its collaborators at the elaboration and participation in Safety Programs.

Social Responsability

For-Plas, aware of its role while organization which fulfils aspects related to Social Responsibility, knows that company actions must be in complete harmony with society’s interests.

Commited with the local community, every year the company organizes and takes part in social campaigns, through food, toys and clothing raising and distribution, as well as donation of our packaging for philanthropic events of our society.

As the Disabled, also regarding the youth, we seek to offer work opportunities that aim at making them self-aware adults, ready in regard to their responsibilities while worker integrated into the work market. As result of such commitment, we provide youth the opportunity of the first job as apprentice, providing a work environment with challenges and learning.

According to precepts of Social Responsibility, we are concerned and respect Human Rights, not practicing any form of exploitation of forced labor, child labor and discrimination within the work place, fully aligned to our Code of Conduct.


Factory and Commercial

Av. Otto Barreto, 1585, Dist. Ind. II
CEP 13602-060
Phone: +55 (19) 3543-2500
WhatsApp: +55 (19) 99766-1914 (Commercial)
© 2025 ForPlas Embalagens
Todos os direitos reservados.